Saturday, August 29, 2009

What's so great about a coupons??

Okay, so I have to admit that just over a year ago, I was one of those people in line at the checkout stand who rolled her eyes and sighed (loudly) when the lady ahead of me pulled out her coupons. But, now I AM THE COUPON LADY and dang proud of it!! Roll your eyes--I don't care!

Before Coupon $ense, I had never really used coupons. Sure, I'd clipped a few here and there only to throw them in a drawer or in my purse without ever looking at them again. I couldn't see how a 50 cent coupon was going to help me save big bucks, let alone get things for FREE.

Little did I know that I would soon cut my grocery bill from $650/mo to $250/month! If someone had told me that because of a 50 cent coupon, I would not pay one penny for Toilet Paper for over 10 months--I would have laughed in their face! But, it's completely true!! Since October of last year--I have NOT paid for Toilet Paper!!

There is a lot more that I get for FREE and it's all because of coupons!